Why do we use templates?
Building a new website can be expensive; not only do you have to pay for the time spent on development, but it has to be refined for SEO and mobile use. Your CM Website uses a template that’s already mobile ready and SEO optimised, and it allows us to promote your brand using your colour scheme and logo branding.
Who owns the website?
You do! Each site we build clearly says it is owned and copyrighted by you and powered by Commercial Motor. All rights to images, logos and content stays with you.
Where are all the fancy features to grab users’ attention?
Your CM Site deliberately puts your stock in pole position. Our research has shown that buyers already know what they want when looking at a website. They don’t browse and buy on impulse. If they can’t find what they want quickly, they move on. So we put your stock first and each item has various routes to similar stock to keep the buyer on your website and interested. Each site we build has a visitor flow plan based around your most common stock.
I am not keen on your CM site templates
We can offer our upload tool and cross-posting ability to any WordPress site: it doesn’t have to be one we have built. You can either hire a designer to build a site for you, or we can facilitate it – all the design costs would be billable to yourself and hosting fees would be negotiated by your CM sales representative. There may be a charge for the time spent with your designer ensuring that his design means we can implement the CM upload of your stock.
I want to show my stock on social media
Good news… we can feed to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn automatically from your CM site – you don’t have to do anything after you have uploaded your stock to CM, as our systems do it automatically.
I use other sales sites – can you feed to them?
COMING SOON – We have in active development the ability to feed directly from your CM site to other sales sites. As you can imagine, getting different systems to talk to each other can get complicated, but our plan is to implement these one by one at no extra cost to our clients – giving you the “one upload to all” opportunity. In the mean time our CM sites are able to be scraped to give you continuity.
I want a little change made to my CM website – what is it going to cost?
Every site comes with one hour free support each month, so changing an
e-mail address or logo is included in your package. Larger changes such as redesigns are billable. Please inquire for a full breakdown of the costs.
I also sell other things alongside used vehicles – why can’t I use my CM website to sell them?
We at Commercial Motor know our industry, we know the buyers and sellers. We focus on that one particular arena to provide the best selling experience for truck dealers and their clients. Opening up the websites to areas outside our expertise devalues our, and your core business. Amazon can sell Santa hats far better than us – we can sell your trucks far better than them. We stick with what we are good at!
Have a question that wasn’t answered? Don’t worry, just send it through to us by using our enquiry form and we will get back to you. We might then add it to this page to help out others.